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1. Will this ministry take people out of my church on Sunday mornings? Our purpose is to help build the local church. We spend our time and effort seeking the lost and help them get established in a local congregation or parish. Throughout the year we hold training sessions and relationship building sessions that are intended to grow and strengthen the new and returning believer. We always encourage weekly home church attendance.


2. Who is in charge of the ministry? Our work is under two groups for accountability. One is a local group of Christian men and women who are the board of directors of Committed Ministries. The second group are from the Disciples Motorcycle Ministries. That group begins with the International Officers, down to the National Officers, and then to the Chapter Officers. Each man has been brought up through the ranks of Bible believing bikers to their current position of leadership. Local pastors are encouraged to work closely with their new believer and guide them into service. Committed Ministries does have guidelines that are followed for the health and success of the ministry as do the Disciples MM.


3. Can others who do not go to my church be involved with Committed Ministries? Yes. Ideally, many churches want to share in our ministry, but one church will not have authority to control the God direction of the ministry. A sponsoring church is encouraged to give prayerful input to our leadership, but is not given the authority to make policy or ministry decisions. God knew that, as a human, Jesus could never reach the world. For that reason He sent His Holy Spirit to fill us and lead us as God directs. We try to faithfully follow God's leading in every aspect of ministry as we move among the masses.


4. Has this ministry really helped grow the church? Yes. We have a threefold process to ministry; friendship, discipleship, and outreach. We build friendships through fellowship on rides and motorcycle events and other activities. Everyone is invited to attend including those who are pre-believers. We make friends and build relationships with them, and, in time, they will come and visit your church. We know 90% plus of individuals saved will tell you they were saved in a church service. That is why the Church is vital. We do what we can in the field, but once in a church, they will get saved, and they will start attending your church because they have already built relationship with your members. This ministry exists to build your church. We do ministry outreaches at rallies and events for the purpose of reaching to pre-believers and to give those ministering with us the opportunity to practice their skills and share Jesus with as many as possible. 


5. What do I need to do? To get started, we would like to have a representative come and speak with you, to your leadership and/or your church so we may share with you and your people what God is doing through Committed Ministries. Next you and your church may wish to support Committed Ministries financially. Unlike many other ministries in our world the motorcycle culture is very closed and it takes a great effort to develop the kinds of friendships needed to share Jesus. Many of the people we minister to are don't trust authority and society in general. It can take hours of face-to-face interaction to earn their trust. That kind of interaction costs money for fuel and food, for motorcycle maintenance and upgrades, for meeting their needs when things go wrong in life.


6. I already have more things to do than time to do them.  How much of my time will this consume? As much or as little as you would like.  Since Committed Ministries is a laity-driven ministry, you do not have to be directly involved.  Those who choose to partner in ministry with us will be responsible to the ministry. If the church chooses to sponsor events or activities directed toward the motorcycle world Committed Ministries would gladly share in whatever we can to help you be successful.


7. Personally, I don’t like or know anything about motorcycles.  Why would I want to have Committed Ministries at my church? As stated earlier, Committed Ministries is dedicated to building the local church through a threefold ministry. Members partnering with us can serve as a small group ministry of the church. This ministry has been proven to help the local church grow using hobby ministry, and with motorcycling being the fastest growing hobby in the nation, why not tap into a new way of drawing people into your church. Motorcyclists are looking for fellowship, and what better place to draw them than into a small group ministry in your church.


Seven Questions Pastors Frequently Asked

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